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General conditions Holland Golf Show 2025


In these general terms and conditions, the terms have the following meaning:

  • General Terms and Conditions: these general ticket conditions for the purchase of Tickets (via the website or at the event location) and for attending Holland Golf Show 2025.
  • Ticket: an admission ticket (e-ticket) for an event day of the Holland Golf Show.
  • Agreement: the agreement between you and the organization of the Holland Golf Show for the sale of one or more tickets.
  • Organization: the organizer of the Holland Golf Show is Holland Golf Events.
  • Golf Event: the golf event for which you have purchased a ticket, indicated with date and location, namely 7, 8 and/or 9 March 2025.
  • Access ban: the ban described in these General Terms and Conditions.
  • You: the person who enters into or has entered into an agreement with the organization of the Holland Golf Show via the website.
  • Website: the ticket shop of the organization of the Holland Golf Show which can be accessed via this website.

General provisions

  • These General Terms and Conditions and access regulations apply to the purchase of tickets and attendance at the golf event.
  • The organization reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions and access regulations. Before attending the golf event, always consult the latest version via
  • By purchasing tickets and visiting the golf event, you agree to these General Terms and Conditions and access regulations.
  • In the event of (partial) cancellation of the golf event, the organization cannot be held liable.
  • The organization of the golf event reserves the right to change the start times of the golf event.
  • Damage suffered at the event location cannot be recovered from the organization of the golf event.
  • Persons who cannot be held responsible for their own actions must be accompanied by a supervisor who is responsible for these persons.
  • The organization of the golf event reserves the right to deny individuals or organizations access to the event location in advance without giving reasons.
  • Visitors are obliged to follow all instructions on (warning) signs and instructions from the organization and employees before and during the golf event.

The agreement

  • The agreement is concluded when completing the purchase and ordering process of a ticket on the website and after receiving a confirmation email and e-ticket.
  • Personal data must be entered to purchase tickets. The organization is not responsible for the consequences of incorrect or incomplete entry of data in your ordering process.
  • Each agreement is concluded exclusively in Dutch and electronically archived by the organization for the execution of the agreement.
  • A ticket gives access to the golf event on the date specified by you. The sale of admission tickets for sporting events is exempt from the statutory right of cancellation. After purchase, you can no longer return your ticket.
  • You pay € 7.50 for each ticket. For minors up to and including 17 years old, tickets are free. Not yet 18 years old? Then ask your parents for permission to use our products and services. Have them read these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement.
  • Dutch law applies to the agreement.

Payment methods if applicable

  • Tickets can only be purchased via the website via iDeal.
  • Payment by debit card is possible at the event site, the rate on site is € 10 per ticket.

Confirmation of your purchase

  • Immediately after your purchase has been completed and the payment has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email and an e-ticket with a unique barcode from Holland Golf Events. Your e-ticket with barcode is your admission ticket to the selected event.
  • For questions about your tickets, please contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For further information about the golf event, please visit

Exchanging and refunding admission tickets

  • Always check your order for quantity, date and price.
  • The organization does not accept returns of purchased tickets.

Legal cooling-off period

  • Only time-bound tickets are sold via this website. As a result, sales are not covered by the legal cooling-off period of 7 working days within which a purchase can be cancelled.

Ticket conditions

  • Each ticket gives access to the specified golf event for one person. The ticket is provided to you by the organization via a confirmation email containing an e-ticket with a unique barcode. This is only provided to you once. You are personally responsible for any damage, loss, theft or misuse thereof.
  • To gain access to the event in question, an employee will scan the barcode on the ticket. Each barcode can only be scanned once.
  • You may purchase a maximum of 2 tickets per transaction. When purchasing tickets, you must inform the other persons for whom you are purchasing tickets that they must adhere to the General Terms and Conditions and Access Conditions. You guarantee that these persons will actually do so.
  • If there is a suspicion that incorrect information has been provided, the organisation may block your purchase or reservation. 

Access control

During the golf event, there may be an access control and this also applies when leaving the event for the safety of visitors and participants. During these checks, a superficial security search may take place and bags may be checked. The following items are not allowed during the golf event and will therefore have to be handed in during checks:

  • Drinks and food
  • Glass and cans
  • (plastic) bottles
  • Dangerous/sharp objects
  • Sound and/or video recording equipment, except mobile phones (except with permission from the organization)

The judgment of the security staff present during the golf event is binding. Anyone who enters the event site automatically agrees to cooperate with checks on clothing and bags. If prohibited items are found, you will be handed over to the police.

Access regulations and regulations during the golf event

  • You are obliged to show your ticket at the first request of the police or authorized employees of the relevant location and to follow any instructions immediately.
  • You are not allowed access to areas that are not intended for access by the general public. When entering the relevant event site, you may not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotics. If the controlling staff reasonably suspects such a condition, you may be denied access to the tournament without being entitled to a refund of the purchase price or a credit note
  • Bringing dogs and other animals to the event site is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to guide dogs and assistance dogs.
  • By using your ticket, you accept that you may be frisked by the police and authorized employees and that they may confiscate any items found on you that are not permitted to be in your possession, based on these General Terms and Conditions.
  • During the golf event, photos and images will be taken for the purpose of reporting on the golf event and promoting the golf event and future golf events by or on behalf of the organization.
  • The organization may deny you access to the event site or have you removed if, in the reasonable opinion of the organization, you are in breach of one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and Access Regulations. In that case, your right to access the event will lapse without you being entitled to a refund of the purchase price or a credit note.

Alcohol and drinks

According to Dutch law, the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 18 is not permitted, nor is the consumption of alcohol by these persons. The organization does not deviate from this legislation and will therefore be checked. You may (always) be asked for identification for age verification. If the use of alcohol under the age of 18 is detected, the organization will confiscate the alcoholic beverages.


Smoking is not permitted at the event location unless otherwise indicated at the location.

Sales and promotion

Sales or promotion ofgoods and/or services on or around the event site are not permitted without prior written permission from the organization.

Young visitors

The organization is not responsible for young visitors under the age of 13, they must be accompanied by adult visitors.

Own Risk

Entering the event site is entirely at the visitor's own risk. The organization is in no way liable for any damage caused to visitors and/or property of visitors


The golf event is accessible for wheelchair users. Toilet facilities for wheelchair users are also provided.

Parking cars and bicycles

  • You can find information on how to reach the golf event on our website
  • Parking bicycles is only permitted in the designated spaces.
  • Always follow the advice and instructions of the parking attendant(s).
  • Keep the parking lot clean. Deposit your waste in the designated waste bins.
  • Parking on the grounds is at your own risk. The site manager cannot be held liable for any damage or theft.

Limitation of liability/indemnity

  • The organisation is not liable for any damage you suffer during your visit to the golf event.
  • If there is demonstrable attributable shortcoming by the organisation or failure to comply with the agreement, the organisation's liability is limited to the total amount of the tickets you purchased.
  • You indemnify the organisation for any damage resulting from failure to comply with these General Terms and Conditions, such as failure to comply with the access regulations.
  • The organisation is not liable for any errors in the purchase and/or ordering process of tickets as a result of providing incorrect information.


When you make a purchase via the website, your personal data will be processed by the organisation. The organization is responsible for processing this personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The organization's privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data obtained through visiting the website and purchasing tickets. You can read this via this website.

Providing email addresses for participating exhibitors.

When ordering a ticket, there is the option to check that your data may be provided to one or more participating exhibitors/sponsors of the Holland Golf Show.
Of course, you will then be able to be approached by one or more parties, if you have given permission, by means of mailing and newsletters.
If you are not interested in this, you can immediately unsubscribe from future approaches in accordance with the law.

Final provisions

If one or more provisions of these conditions are null and void or are annulled, this will not affect the other provisions of these conditions. The organization will then establish a replacement provision that approximates the purpose and scope of the void or annulled provision as closely as possible and that is not void or voidable.

Version: September 28, 2024